Winfocus | Software Development
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Software Development

Off –the-shelf software is all very well, but it often results in a compromise and only does half the job you want it to. By talking to Winfocus and using our experienced team of software developers you can have made to measure software that works the way you want it to.

What’s important is that we fully understand your specific requirements and what you need your software to do for you. With this information we can design a solution that is completely fit for purpose. Even better, our service also includes for the on-going development of related software, installation and set up, the training of personnel, trouble-shooting assistance during the post-commissioning period and on-going maintenance, if required.

Winfocus specialises in developing software in C++, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Oracle/D2K, JAVA and .Net. We can also undertake bulk contracts for software development.